Tasha Layton on Her Suicide Attempt, Singing with Katy Perry & Working on Her...

"Into The Sea (It's Gonna Be Ok)," the vulnerable new single from acclaimed BEC Recordings' Christian music singer/songwriter Tasha Layton, is now available. An affirmation of God's...

‘Jesus is Still in the Healing Business’: GA Man Says God Healed Him of...

Clay Bentley, of Rome, Georgia, tested positive for the coronavirus on March 6. He came down with a fever the morning after singing...

Jacquelyn Oforiwaa-Amanfo’s “MIRACLE GOD” Heals a lady suffering from migraine

Jacquelyn Oforiwaa-Amanfo one of Ghana’s  Fast-rising sensational gospel minister known for the viral rendition of some old gospel songs medley titled ‘Oldies But Goodies’...

Priscilla Shirer Recovering Well After Lung Surgery, Beth Moore Says

Bible teacher Beth Moore says Priscilla Shirer is recovering well after having surgery on her left lung. Moore posted the update in a video on...

Dr. Sonnie Badu’s “STILL YOU REIGN” Awakens Man from Coma

One of Africa’s greatest musical gifts to the world and head pastor of Rock Hill church in Atlanta Dr. Sonnie Badu is a global...

Diana Hamilton’s ‘Nsekyerenii Nyankopon’ healed someone suffering from bed-wetting during her Ministration at...

Diana Hamilton’s song ‘Nsekyerenii Nyankopon’ according to a testimony shared by the singer has healed a person suffering from bed-wetting during her ministration at...

Heroic Teen Miraculously Catches Toddler Falling From A Building

There are times in our lives when God puts us in the right place at the perfect time. This has never been more true...

He Was a Drag Queen for 20 Years, Then He Found Jesus: ‘I Was...

A former drag queen who became a Christian is leading the opposition to library-sponsored drag queen story hours and testifying to the life-changing power...

Jonathan Nelson’s Son nearly died in a car accident

  Psalm 100:1-5 "Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He...
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